Ages: 4 - 5 years
Ms. Susan's Dino Kids
Daily Schedule
7:00-9:20 Arrival, Breakfast, Free Play
9:20-9:30 Circle Time**
9:30-10:00 Choice Time
10:00-10:20 Group Time*
10:20-10:30 Story Time*
10:30-10:31 Closing Circle
10:31-11:00 Recess
11:00-11:30 Lunch time
11:30-12:00 Prepare for Naps - clean up, potty, movie
12:00-2:00 Nap Time
2:00-2:30 Wake up, clean up, shoes, potty, rest treats, puzzles
2:30-3:00 Recess
3:00-3:30 Snack & Coloring Time
3:30-4:30 Choice Time or Recess
4:30-5:30 Additional Recess, Free Play
The Pre-K Kids are an awesome bunch! This is where the nitty gritty work of preschool hits high gear! The Pre-K class is led by Ms. Susan Rose, who is also the Program Director for Horizons Unlimited. Ms. Susan not only builds upon the lessons the children have been learning from the Nursery on up, but she also begins to focus heavily on academic and social skills necessary for a successful entry into Kindergarten.